If you’ve decided that you need a search firm to help you with your talent strategy, you now need to choose the best firm for your needs. Your time, budget, and company reputation all rely on you making the right choice, and that takes a bit of groundwork. We suggest asking any potential search firm some important questions before you decide to work with them.

1. Do you specialize in a functional or industry-specific area or are you a generalist, and what level of searches is your firm usually engaged in?
This can give you a sense of whether the search firm has a depth of experience with the type of role you are looking to fill.
2. Could you describe the strategies and techniques you use in the search process?
The search firm should have a specific plan to target the best candidates and be able to explain it in detail.
3. How do you qualify a candidate’s skills and cultural fit with a client?
The answer to this question should include multiple touchpoints and methods of communication with potential candidates. It takes multiple conversations, background research, and detailed documentation to be confident in presenting a candidate.
4. What’s required of me/our organization?
You’ll presumably need to be an active participant in the search, but the time commitment will vary based on the level and scope of the search. At the very least, you’ll probably need to give timely feedback and participate in interviews. Find out how your chosen search firm operates before you commit.
5. Can you provide some examples of successful recruitment campaigns? How do you measure success?
Ask the consultant about searches they have previously worked on to establish their ability to understand the industry and the type of role.