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The Changing Relationship between CEOs and HR

The tone and purpose of interaction between members of the C-Suite depend on the type of organization, as well as its size and goals. Historically, the CEO decided on the overall direction, and HR looked after hiring, retention, payroll, and benefits within that larger strategy. However, events of the past few years have changed that relationship in a lot of companies, as the dynamic situation “forced HR execs out of the administrative shadows and into a position where their mettle is tested on a daily basis. From managing workforces through the mental health crisis triggered by the pandemic; sustaining workplace culture while the world worked remotely; spearheading flexible working policies, to managing layoffs and being responsible for improving the overall employee experience, HR execs have had their work cut out.”

Many CEOs have come around to the fact that company culture cannot be trivialized or ignored; indeed, it has a huge effect on employee happiness, productivity, and retention, which ultimately impacts the bottom line. Effective CEOs will lean on their HR counterparts to lead changes in company culture, as HR executives will be collecting the data and implementing the modifications needed to improve culture. Additionally, CEOs must prepare to invest capital and time to make those programs work. If the two roles can work collaboratively and encourage the rest of the C-Suite to adapt, success is more likely.

If you need help shaping your talent acquisition strategy, to align with your organizational goals, get in touch to arrange a quick chat. Email Paul, Brent, Troy, or Tara, or give us a call at 519-673-3463 or 416-847-0036.

To learn more about the relationship between CEOs and HR, visit

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