If you’ve decided to hire a search firm to help you solve your hiring challenges, you need to put some thought into selecting that firm; your time, budget, and company reputation all rely on you making the right choice. This week we’ll continue discussing questions you need to ask before you hire a search firm, and if you missed the first five questions last week, see our previous post.
6. How many candidates do you usually present in your short list, and what’s involved in the interview stage?
This can vary depending on the level of search, but the firm should have a good idea of the market for the type of role being discussed, and explain their internal interview process, which should happen before any candidates are presented to you. Additionally, they should be able to help you with your interview process if required.
7. How do you stay connected with the hiring team?
A good search firm will commit to regular updates with the hiring team to maintain strong relationships and stay aligned with the recruitment objectives.
8. What are your fees and guarantee?
Evidence has shown you get what you pay for. Establish at the outset what the fees and guarantees are in writing.
9. What is the consultant turnover rate in your practice?
Consultants who have been with a firm for a longer period of time will likely have a thorough knowledge of the market as well as many contacts. On the other hand, if a search firm can’t keep consultants long-term, what does it say about their ability to hire the right fit?