At every level, leaders and their teams can benefit from emotional intelligence. Our emotions are baked into every interaction we have with others; including at the workplace!
“Recent studies have found that empathy in the workplace, a factor correlated with emotional intelligence is positively related to job performance as well as our own and other’s emotions. Managers who show more empathy toward direct reports are viewed as better performers in their job by their bosses. On the other hand, disengaged employees can become a liability.”
To increase your level of empathy, and improve the level of engagement in your organization, try the following strategies:
Don’t leap to judgment; pause and really listen when someone is sharing their thoughts and feelings
Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes; and see the situation as they may see it; when you seek to understand how another person’s experience has informed how they see the world, you can respond to it more generously and authentically.
When another person communicates their feelings to you, work to understand them and reflect your understanding back to them.
Be willing to learn and recognize your own emotional weaknesses and triggers
When leaders can connect with others on an emotional level, there’s an increase in trust, motivation, job satisfaction, and productivity, and a decrease in conflict. Our clients are much more likely to hire leaders with the qualities of emotional intelligence. While life experience contributes, these skills can be built upon, and the best leaders are always working on improving their emotional intelligence.
If you’re ready to hire a senior finance or C-Suite leader, get in touch to arrange a quick chat. Email Paul, Brent, Troy, or Tara, or give us a call at 519-673-3463 or 416-847-0036.
To learn more about leadership and emotional intelligence, visit https://huntscanlon.com/how-emotional-intelligence-has-become-a-key-leadership-trait/